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Planning for a region is about ideas – ideas for innovation and for changing the way in which we approach the places we live, work, and play. Many great ideas have come up throughout the planning process for The Tomorrow Plan; The Tomorrow Plan Exchange (TPX) is a place to explore them further. Every Wednesday, guest authors will introduce a train of thought related to sustainability, regionalism, or Greater Des Moines. It's up to you to take it from there! Use this as a community forum for discussing, for sharing more ideas, and for imagining a more sustainable tomorrow for Greater Des Moines.
Impact Downtown
The remarkable changes that have occurred in downtown Des Moines over the past two decades have thrust Des Moines into the spotlight and onto the top of a number of high profile “best of” lists. The recent renewal of downtown … Continue reading
Revitalizing Our Neighborhoods, One Artist at a Time
In Des Moines, mentioning painting a home’s brick exterior or shunning Hosta plants is like saying you too have thought about vandalizing the butter cow. Expect double takes, sideways glances, and dead end conversations. Threaten to paint a “Beaverdale Brick,” … Continue reading
Community Building: Transforming Our Neighborhoods
There’s no doubt Des Moines is getting a lot of attention lately and seeing physical improvements on almost every street downtown. Alongside several different initiatives taken by groups in the community like The Tomorrow Plan, our company is eager to … Continue reading
FoodCorps in Des Moines
On a beautiful day in May, Alayna Schutte starts out teaching Pick a Better Snack lessons featuring local asparagus to third-graders at Carver and Moulton Elementary Schools. Next, she engages Moulton students at recess in watering the baby seedlings of … Continue reading
Let’s Talk About Housing
Why do you live where you do? Did you fall in love with the neighborhood? Do you want your kids to attend the local schools? Is it close to your job, your friends, or your favorite restaurant? Is it the … Continue reading
Market Day Returns to Des Moines May 24th
Market Day – Des Moines’ best craft show – begins its 6th season on Memorial Day weekend. Market Day brings 50 vendors to downtown Des Moines to sell their crafts, art, and vintage wares. We celebrate local handmade goods and … Continue reading
Capital Crossroads: Leadership in Action Focus on Physical Capital
Hear from local leaders as they champion change through the Capital Crossroads Vision Plan. Join us to get the inside scoop on a different capital each quarter. In May, our panel will focus on the Physical Capital, specifically transportation issues. … Continue reading
A Standing Invitation for Engagement
Sometimes people will surprise you. Engagement in civic matters, planning committees and visioning sessions can be hot and cold, depending on the topic, on residents’ level of passion about the subject and, let’s face it, sometimes on weather. Residents of … Continue reading
Runners, Exhibitors needed for Ninth Annual Earth Day in the Junction
Join us for the 9th Annual Earth Day in the Junction Celebration on Sunday, April 6th from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This celebration of Earth Day includes a diverse group of exhibitors, children’s activities, live music, 5K Run/Walk, and … Continue reading
Making Connections for a Sustainable Future
“Sustainability is about making connections.” Of many lessons learned over three days of workshops at the Sustainable Communities Leadership Academy in Salt Lake City, this one resonated with me the most. This is a crucial moment for The Tomorrow Plan … Continue reading
Local Workshop Series Gives Des Moines Homeowners The Power to Start Living Sustainably
A new hands-on workshop series titled Grow Your Green helps homeowners experience simple ways to live more sustainably. The upcoming session addresses the timely subject of weatherization techniques homeowners can do themselves to eliminate cold drafts and lower energy bills. … Continue reading
Supporting Fisheries + Watersheds
Trout Unlimited was founded in July 1959 on the banks of the Au Sable River near Grayling, Michigan. Its mission: To conserve, protect, and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds. From the beginning, TU was guided by the … Continue reading
Central Iowa Pursues Urban Land Institute District Council
The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) – the organization that spearheads The Tomorrow Plan effort – is working with the Greater Des Moines Partnership to establish a local District Council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI). ULI, with … Continue reading
The Tomorrow Plan Approved
Today, the Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) formally approved The Tomorrow Plan, the Greater Des Moines region’s plan for a more sustainable future. The planning process started three and a half years ago with regional leaders seeking to … Continue reading
HUD Secretary Donovan + DOT Secretary Foxx Unveil Tool to Provide US Renters and Homeowners with New Housing + Transportation Calculator
A US Department of Housing and Urban Development press release from November 12th announced the launch of the agency’s Location Affordability Portal (LAP). The release is as follows: WASHINGTON – U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan and U.S. … Continue reading
Dramatic Transformation Planned in Johnston
Johnston’s Merle Hay Road Gateway Area is on its way to becoming unlike any other area in the Des Moines metro. The Johnston City Council has voted to approve a redevelopment plan that will set the stage for a dramatic … Continue reading
Smart Growth in Small Towns and Rural Areas
On November 6th from 3:00 to 4:30 pm, the Ankeny Planning Department is hosting an APA audio/web conference for 1.5 CM credits. The audio and web presentation will be streamed in the City Council Chambers at the Ankeny City Hall … Continue reading
The Tomorrow Plan Recognized for Advancing Science + Art of Planning
On October 17, 2013, The Tomorrow Plan – Partnering for a Greener Greater Des Moines – received the Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan, which recognizes a comprehensive plan that advances the science and art of planning. The award … Continue reading
PCHTF Fall Bus Tour
The Polk County Housing Trust Fund (PCHTF) will host its annual Fall Bus Tour this Friday, October 18th. The tour will run from 9:00 to 11:30 am and will begin at the Urbandale Public Library. Because affordable housing is not … Continue reading
DSMove Set for Sunday
Residents will have a chance to practice yoga, play soccer, and even dance down a portion of University Avenue this Sunday as Des Moines hosts its first Open Streets event on Sunday, Sept. 29th from noon to 4 p.m. The … Continue reading
Rewild Your Life
On the first of September, I began participating in the 30 Day Rewild Your Life challenge sponsored by We Are Wildness, a website dedicated to the awareness of human wildness and our important connection to Nature. The challenge is to … Continue reading
Changes in the Works
Des Moines Water Works, in collaboration with Sasaki Associates and RDG Planning & Design, invites the public to see the exciting changes in the works for one of the largest urban parks in the nation. A public open house for … Continue reading
The Tree Doctors Are In
A public forum featuring two of Iowa’s foremost tree experts will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 28, in the Waveland Hall at Plymouth Congregational Church, 4126 Ingersoll Ave. The forum—entitled The Tree Doctors Are In— … Continue reading
Test Drive Raw Food During Des Moines Raw Food Week
The raw food diet has really gotten a lot of attention lately. With celebrities like Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone and Natalie Portman “going raw,” the lifestyle is becoming more mainstream. Raw food enthusiasts eat mostly unprocessed, unrefined foods from three … Continue reading
Moving Forward Together
The final draft of The Tomorrow Plan is now available; you can access it here. This is your plan. The MPO team has had the privilege of facilitating the process over the last three years, but it was developed by … Continue reading
Placemaking and Walkability
What role does walkability play in the vibrancy of a community? Join us as Jeff Speck, author and planner, reveals the invisible workings of the city, how simple decisions can have cascading effects, and how streets may actually matter more … Continue reading
Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation Developing Trails App
The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) is developing “Iowa by Trail,” an all-Iowa multiuse trail App and website. Once completed, the App will promote Iowa Trails and help America discover the beauty of Iowa’s greenways. The App will feature an … Continue reading
What Does ‘Healthy’ Look Like?
Imagine your first visit to a personal workout trainer. You probably are going to say things like “I’d like to burn more calories,” or “I’d like to fit into the jeans I wore two years ago.” By contrast, most people … Continue reading
We Are All Artists On The Community’s Canvas: Life, Leadership And Leisure Time
Your community needs you as much as you need your community. What is the paint without the painter, the painter without the paint? We are all artists on the community’s canvas. “You can’t be what you don’t see.” Marian Wright … Continue reading
No health insurance? No money? No problem!
No health insurance? No money? No problem! This probably is a foreign concept to most, but this is the reality in which Community Health Centers (CHCs) operate. Every year, 22 million Americans, insured and uninsured alike, seek care at CHCs. … Continue reading
Counting Smiles and Rethinking Health in the Process
Can the simple act of smiling influence your health outcomes? This is the question that organizers of the Don’t Smile Movement (DSM) are looking to answer. A part of Healthy Polk 2020, the Don’t Smile Movement was developed to help … Continue reading
How do you know when you’ve arrived in Des Moines?
“How do you know when you’ve arrived in Des Moines?” This was the question posed to David Kruidenier by world-renowned architect I.M. Pei during a drive through downtown Des Moines in the late 1960s. It would stay with Kruidenier through … Continue reading
How a Tree a Day Helps Keep the Doctor Away
Can trees and green space be good for our health? Turns out, the answer is yes. Most people enjoy a walk along a tree-lined street or through a wooded area. Most employees would rather have a window seat than a … Continue reading
Milling Urban Timber, Cultivating Sustainability & Strengthening Membership
Trees play a vital role in the multifaceted realm of sustainability. Trees contribute an abundant list of benefits to our communities, including: Trees purify the air we breathe by absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants. The role trees play in … Continue reading
Big Ideas and the Big Hair Ball
I remember attending my first Big Hair Ball in 2009. I had just moved back from New York City, hoping to catch some wind that would float me out of state again. At that time, I knew the Big Hair … Continue reading
Working Harder at Working Together
According to the 2012 Census of Governments, there are 1046 general purpose local governments in the State of Iowa; those General Purpose governments are made of 99 counties and 947 municipalities. In addition, there are 366 independent school districts and … Continue reading
The Gray’s Lake Gym
Yoga in the Park is back for another great summer program. Every Saturday, May 25 through September 28, you will have the opportunity for free outdoor yoga classes at Gray’s Lake from 9 – 10 am on the southeast lawn. … Continue reading
Participate in Bike Month Iowa
To celebrate Bike Month, the Des Moines Bicycle Collective and the Bike Month committee have planned an entire month of activities. Whether you ride for recreation or for your commute, be sure to check out these events! Tuesday Morning Coffee … Continue reading
Edible Urban Garden Tour Approaching
As a young girl, I could not understand my mother’s excitement to plan the vegetable beds, experiment with snap peas, or photograph the zucchini harvest. I enjoyed planting seeds and gobbling up zucchini bread, but I thought gardening was simply … Continue reading
Planning for Change
Blogger’s Note: Today’s entry is a cross-posting from Sasaski Design. Our world is changing in ways we could never have predicted. As I fly to Chicago from Boston, I am leaving behind the tragic events of the Boston Marathon. Being … Continue reading
Cultivate Iowa Food Gardening Promotion to Launch
A series of messages promoting gardening throughout Iowa will be released in April. Cultivate Iowa, a social marketing campaign, will promote gardening as a way to increase food security, save money, and share fresh food with others. Gardening is key … Continue reading
Sustainability Isn’t a Partisan Issue
As a member of The Tomorrow Plan Steering Committee, and as a mayor of a metropolitan area community that is addressing the issues required to move a community forward, I hope to add a perspective from an “on the ground” … Continue reading
Turning Challenges Into Opportunities
As The Tommorrow Plan (TTP) is being developed, many of us working on the goals and strategies in the TTP notice how connected the goals are to each other. Today, I would like to focus on Goal #1: Create a … Continue reading
Private/Public Partnerships – Avenues for Success
Think what could be achieved if private business and government worked together in a partnership to re-define a community. In October 2012, I spent three weeks as a John J. McCloy Fellow in Urban Affairs over in Germany. A striking … Continue reading
Greening Goods Movement
What comes to mind when you think about rail? You probably think of those annoying things that block the road when you have somewhere important to get to. What if I told you rail is one of the greenest methods … Continue reading
A Road Map to Resilience
I’m writing to invite you to attend an upcoming conference, “Road Map to Resilience: Empowering Iowa’s Local Food Economy,” sponsored jointly by the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Forging partnerships with organizations that … Continue reading
The Tomorrow Plan and Moving Toward a More Accessible Future
Ever since I became the mobility manager for Polk County, my perspective on the physical world around me has changed. It has changed because of the people that I work with every day. For those that are not acquainted with … Continue reading
Planting the Seeds of Sustainability
Urban Ambassadors, a Des Moines area nonprofit, helps you personalize your own path to sustainability and connects you to a community that promotes and grows local sustainability. On Wednesday, February 27th, the group will host its Seed Project Launch Party … Continue reading
Healthy Choices Made Easy
My college degree was in Community Health Education and I spent most of my career working in the field of health promotion. The words education and promotion sound reasonable enough to describe what needs to be done to tackle the … Continue reading
Central Iowa’s Catalyst: Local Talent and Small Businesses
Catalyst: an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action. Many newly formed and established local small businesses are in survival mode. Fierce competition, economic factors, and perceptions of limited capacity and capabilities are factors that limit the … Continue reading
Get Ready, Here Comes Tomorrow
Tomorrow is only a day away. Perhaps it’s cliché, but today’s decisions shape our region’s future. Every road, every development, every contract leads to what our region has become and what it will become for our kids and our grandkids. … Continue reading
Here Comes Tomorrow
The Tomorrow Team is getting ready for a series of public meetings to review the draft plan. Six meetings are scheduled, each from 5-7 p.m., in communities across the region. Dates and open house locations are as follows: Tuesday, January … Continue reading
Local Government Strength Lies in Collaboration
It is the long history of humankind . . . those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed. ~Charles Darwin One of the underappreciated aspirations of The Tomorrow Plan is that local governments will collaborate. One reason … Continue reading
Brownfields in One Word
I am willing to bet that most urbanites have heard the term “Brownfields” before. But what does it mean to you? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has defined it as: “Real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may … Continue reading
A Passion for Beauty: Learning through the Arts
While many people pass through the city of Des Moines via Interstates 235 and 80 daily, few realize the hidden gem of an arts community the city contains. Of course, the Des Moines Arts Center and Pappajohn Sculpture Park are … Continue reading
New Intergenerational Mentorship Program Kicks Off in January
Leaders of Capital Crossroads five-year regional vision plan have developed an inter-generational mentorship program as part of the Social Capital component of the plan. Community Connect: Mentors Inspiring Success sustains and expands leadership throughout the region by inspiring future leaders … Continue reading
Sustainability Champions
Take a look around the nation, and you’ll come across some truly incredible places. They are places that pull you in with their uniqueness, that invite you to stay a little longer, and that you want to have in your … Continue reading
Streets for People
When my wife and I first moved to Des Moines, I went to my local credit union to discuss home loan options. The woman I spoke with had a slight accent and an eastern-European sounding name. Being curious about people … Continue reading
Transit is “growing up” in Greater Des Moines
This is a watershed year for the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART). The new DART Central Station opened up in downtown Des Moines this month at the same time that a redesigned bus network was implemented for the … Continue reading
Strengthening Iowa’s Food System
This week, on Friday, November 16th, the Iowa Food Systems Council (IFSC) is partnering with the Iowa Public Health Association (IPHA), Iowa League of RC&D’s, Practical Farmers of Iowa, Iowa Valley Continuing Education, Iowa Primary Association, and the Healthy Farms, … Continue reading
COSC Sustain-A-Ball
Sustaining our world is a big task, however, that is the ambition of Center on Sustainable Communities (COSC). With a new name and new look, COSC’s upcoming Sustain-A-Ball benefit concert illustrates the nonprofit’s mission of promoting ecologically sustainable practices by … Continue reading
2012 Iowa APA Conference
The American Planning Association’s Iowa Chapter holds a conference each fall where 200 people get together to exchange ideas and hear about new projects and developments. This week, the Chapter will host the 2012 event in Ames with a theme … Continue reading
Tree Des Moines Workshop on October 25
A free and informative workshop on how communities are invigorated by strong tree-planting and protection efforts will be held Thursday, October 25, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 at the Des Moines Botanical Center, 909 Robert D. Ray Drive. Refreshments will … Continue reading
New WOW! Wonder of Words Festival Launches October 17
DOWNTOWN DES MOINES – The Downtown Community Alliance and Des Moines Public Library are excited to announce a new event for the Greater Des Moines community called WOW! Wonder of Words Festival (WOW!). This new festival will connect readers, writers, … Continue reading
Workforce Housing Demand that the Recent State of Iowa Employment Forecast Would Stimulate
The ability of a region to attract new and retain the workers needed to sustain regional economic growth depends critically on the availability of sufficient competitively priced housing of the types and in locations workers prefer and can afford. As … Continue reading
Listen up!
A big part of planning regionally is listening to people from all corners of the study area. Public meetings provide one forum for this—click here to see what we heard at the Future Fair in early August—and more and more, … Continue reading
The Big Inversion: Understanding the impact that generational shifts have on housing demand
Across the country large demographic shifts are currently taking place that will significantly affect future housing demand. These trends are well documented, much discussed, and certain to have an impact on housing choices throughout the United States, including the Des … Continue reading
How does disability fit in with The Tomorrow Plan and sustainability for our community?
To begin with, let’s define the word “disability.” According to the ADA (The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 as restored in 2008), a disability is any long-term mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life … Continue reading
A Strong Core Leads to a Healthy Region
The human body’s core muscle group is arguably the most important in the body; they help to stabilize and balance the body, which leads to good posture, makes physical activity of all kinds easier, and generally helps lead to better … Continue reading
Enjoying the multiple benefits of sustainability
Right now, the Iowa Environmental Council is putting together our annual conference, which this year is called Finding Iowa’s Way: Economic Solutions for a Healthier Environment. (Here’s a convenient registration link, right in the first paragraph, so I’m being good at my … Continue reading
Walking and Bicycling Provide Alternative Transportation That Merits Support
A primary goal of The Tomorrow Plan is supporting alternatives to single occupancy cars in the metro region. Walking and bicycling are transportation alternatives that provides multiple benefits: personal fitness and health; saves money; avoids fossil fuels, air emissions, and … Continue reading
Parking Garages Make Great Souvenirs
As you find yourself jetting off to exotic (and not-so-exotic) locales this summer, take a second to put your vacation to work for our community. Instead of just snapping a few pictures, see if you can snag a few ideas … Continue reading
Realizing Our Potential
A couple of years ago, I read an article on lessons from planning school. To this day, one of those lessons still resonates deeply with me: “City planners are optimists… We want cities and regions to realize their potential. And … Continue reading
Looking to the Past for the Future
Lately when friends or relatives ask me what I’m up to at work, I usually tell them about The Tomorrow Plan. The conversation usually goes like this: Them: “What’s The Tomorrow Plan?” Me: “It’s a regional sustainability plan for the … Continue reading
Designing my Design My DSM Data
One of the ideas for the TPX blog is to show the process behind our work, like we did in this early post about the development of Design My DSM. Design My DSM went live on the web in April, … Continue reading
eCORNomics 101
In case you were too busy outside enjoying all the beautiful weather to notice, the price of corn is rising. The typical concerns over summer floods in Iowa have gradually transitioned this year to worry over drought conditions that are … Continue reading
TEDxDesMoines Conference Set for July 15th
There are so many interesting conversations happening in the Greater Des Moines community – during tech events, at art openings, on our college campuses, at the library – the list could go on. It’s hard to get around to all … Continue reading
State of Our Plate
It’s not the State of the State, or the State of the Union, but the state of something near and dear to each of us – our food! We all have it in common, and we each make decisions about … Continue reading
Everything’s Sustainable, Nothing’s Sustainable, and Everywhere in Between
Name one sustainable community. Just one. Any one. Guess what? It doesn’t exist. You’d never know it from looking at the marketing campaigns, slogans, and ads of the last few years. Everyone’s in on the game: Green cars! Sustainable planes! … Continue reading
Calling All Young People
Greater Des Moines may have been one of my first true loves. When I decided six year ago to attend Drake University, it was as much for the city as for the school itself. There was that almost indescribable, uniquely … Continue reading
Natural Playscapes – a new but critical link to the great outdoors
Blogger’s Note: Just last week the Polk County Conservation Board (PCCB) celebrated the grand opening of its Bison-Elk Plaza and observation deck – a natural outgrowth of the adjacent natural playscape referenced below. Congratulations to The Tomorrow Plan partner PCCB … Continue reading
Second Life for the Shopping Mall
Sixty years ago the shopping mall emerged as an American institution. Since then, in various permutations, it has become a component of nearly every community in the country. Its form has changed in response to retail and population trends – … Continue reading
A Choice: Why having options is an important component of The Tomorrow Plan
Choice. What does it mean, why is it important, and how does it fit within The Tomorrow Plan? The reality is that we all make choices every day. Some of these choices are flexible, such as the decision about where … Continue reading
Be Awesome – Here’s Some Inspiration
If planning for a region is about ideas… and that region is Greater Des Moines… then the people of Greater Des Moines have to be totally awesome at two things: (1) shining a light on existing ideas, and (2) generating … Continue reading
Living with wild things…and we’re not talking about your children
“There are some who can live without wild things, and some who cannot.” With these words, Aldo Leopold, the noted 20th century conservationist, threw down the gauntlet. In his book, A Sand County Almanac and Essays from Round River, he … Continue reading
Why I love where I work and where I live
When I think of sustainability a lot of things come to mind; stewardship of resources, health and wellness, reuse of materials, neighborhood revitalization. When I think about neighborhood revitalization I think about Rock the Block™. Rock the Block™ is a … Continue reading
Play an active role, and have fun, planning the future for Greater Des Moines
Today’s Des Moines Register included the following op-ed about The Tomorrow Plan and Design My DSM. Read on or take a look at the Register article to learn more. If it were your job to manage the Des Moines … Continue reading
Where we’ve been, where we’re going tomorrow
Next week, discussion on the development of The Tomorrow Plan will continue at three public input sessions throughout the metro area. We want to know what you think Greater Des Moines should look like in the future, so join us … Continue reading
Policies, prairie chickens, and parking
Sneak peek at the process of crafting a dynamic web tool for The Tomorrow Plan Ever wonder what goes into building an interactive engagement tool for planning? The secret is that it’s really, really fun. Here’s a peek into our … Continue reading
There goes the neighborhood
When development in the Greater Des Moines metro region “took off” after the mid-1980s recession, the future of central city neighborhoods looked bleak. Market forces were favoring development at the fringe of the metro area, while core neighborhoods saw decline … Continue reading
Campaign for the future
During the first week of March, a team from The Tomorrow Plan traveled to Knoxville, Tennessee, to participate in the Smaller Places Summit for recipients of Sustainable Communities grants. The event was aimed at accelerating efforts to build more economically … Continue reading
From Nebraska, with love
Right now, as I type, teams of undergraduate architecture and landscape architecture students at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL) are creating elements of potential new futures for the City of Des Moines. UNL students visit Boston While this … Continue reading
Public transit: a vital ingredient to sustainability
Of all the things that go into creating a sustainable metropolitan area, this much we know: public transit is a vital ingredient. Public transit makes it possible to get around for people without cars, whether they can’t drive for physical … Continue reading
Creating is learning
I sit on the steering committee for The Tomorrow Plan and I’m not an expert in sustainability. In fact, when I was asked to sit on the committee I couldn’t even define what sustainability means. I still can’t define it, … Continue reading
Successful plans, real estate developments and economic development respond to the needs of society
Real estate developments and economic development respond to rather than shape the needs of society. Design and regulatory mandates will not induce successful plans or development unless they relate well to the needs and preferences of households and businesses. The … Continue reading
Make your own city…there’s an app for that
Perhaps I’m a traitor to my generation, but I just never got excited about smart phones…or Twitter…or any of the multitude of inexplicable new social media “apps” my friends keep telling me about. I’m one of the last hold-outs among … Continue reading
Local action for sustainability
One of the challenges we encounter as we undertake The Tomorrow Plan is that the notion of “community sustainability” can seem theoretical, nebulous, or esoteric. It can seem as though community sustainability is a high-level aspiration that is difficult to … Continue reading
What’s art got to do with it?
While the S&P 500, commonly considered a bellwether for the American economy, was essentially flat for 2011, art showed a return of 10.2% as an asset class in 2011, according to the Mei Moses World All Art Index (MMAI).[1] Investing … Continue reading
Sustainable, affordable housing
How does one talk about Affordable Housing in the community many publications deem the most affordable market in the country? Do our demographics mean we can cross it off the list as “problem solved?” Despite the glowing reports, what do … Continue reading
Do you have a bright idea?
Do you have ideas – large or small – that could help transform the Greater Des Moines region and make it a more sustainable community? Share them at ideas.thetomorrowplan.com. Ideas.thetomorrowplan.com allows residents, business people, students, and other interested stakeholders a … Continue reading