Tomorrow is only a day away. Perhaps it’s cliché, but today’s decisions shape our region’s future. Every road, every development, every contract leads to what our region has become and what it will become for our kids and our grandkids. Our region is poised to become even greater — if we act. We have an unprecedented opportunity to grow a vibrant region that will stand the test of time — building on the great work that already has occurred here. This opportunity comes through the Tomorrow Plan, a strategy to cooperate across city and county boundaries to make sure our region achieves its full potential today and long past tomorrow. The draft document was released recently. Now, we want to hear from you.
The Tomorrow Plan envisions a region of lasting value, equity and diversity. Its goals, strategies and initiatives work as a system to lead the greater Des Moines area toward this future. The Tomorrow Plan is far reaching, addressing the many elements that make our region not only function but thrive as a great place to live, learn, work and play: Growing the companies that already are here, connecting our open spaces and trails, providing access to healthy food and continuing to cooperate no matter our community, neighborhood or business.
Over the last 16 months, thousands of you have helped make this plan. You have been part of more than 150 outreach events. You have brought incredible insights to the table, and we have been humbled by your enthusiasm for our region’s future. Greater Des Moines, we need you again: Is the Tomorrow Plan the future that you want? Review the draft plan and weigh in at the Here Comes Tomorrow events that will be held around the metro area over the next two weeks.
This region starts with a great foundation. The best place for young professionals. The best place to raise a family. The richest metro in the nation. The Tomorrow Plan builds on this success but also heeds an undoubtedly shifting future. This plan can help us reconsider our transportation, our developments, and our systems. It can help our region do even better.
We know The Tomorrow Plan is lofty, but we also know it is undoubtedly achievable. With committed leadership, continuing collaboration, and your involvement, the goals of the Tomorrow Plan will come to fruition. Without you, the Tomorrow Plan will be just another plan. Greater things are still to be done in this region — but we need your help to get there. Get ready, here comes tomorrow.